Theodore Korony American Legion Post #253

About The American Legion

The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation’s largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

Eligibility Dates

The LEGION Act offers American Legion membership eligibility to any U.S. military veteran who served at least one day of active military duty since Dec. 7, 1941, and was honorably discharged or is serving now.

Post Officers    2024- 2025

Commander -

1st Vice -

2nd Vice -

3rd Vice -

Adjutant -

Finance Officer -

Sgt. at Arms -

Chaplain -

Historian -

Judge Advocate -

Bronx VAVS Representative - 




Anthony Ferrara

David Leich

Gabriel Mujica

John Lanci

Colleen McCarthy

Kevin Devine

Charlie McDougall

Gene DeFrancis

Thomas Hansen

Patrick Devine

Colleen McCarthy




About Our Post

    The Theodore Korony Post was established in 1927 at the Adee Mansion in Edgewater Park which was owned by the Shaw family.  We now know that building as the Edgewater Volunteer Hose Company headquarters.  The American Legion Post was named for an early Edgewater resident killed in World War I.

    Theodore Korony, called Teddy, was raised in Edgewater Park on the waterfront at Big Oak.  The numbering system was not yet in effect in the mid-teens, but his home would be approximately 1-B.  He was thin and a rather dapper dresser and when he entered the Army, a farewell party was held for him at the old dance hall in “B” section south of the mansion.  His mother had a fine operatic voice and when she arrived at the party, she sang Paolo Tosti’s Goodbye to her son creating a rather emotional and warm moment.  The song carried the words “goodbye forever” and little did she or he know how prophetic it was.  Hit by a shell, he was the first local casualty of the war.

    The Post moved to newly constructed headquarters, circa 1947 on Miles avenue at E. 177th St.  A steep hill led down to it from E. 177th Street east of Meagher Ave.  The contour of the roadways had been changed due to the construction of the approach to the Throggs Neck Bridge.  The same construction led to the demolition of that building circa 1959 after it was condemned by the City of New York.

    The post used the money from the demolition proceedings to buy the old Vindabona mansion at 230 Blair Ave.  The building was built around 1850 by the Morgan family and later it was bought by Francis de Ruyter Wissman.  He moved the building to get a better view of the Long Island Sound and to better enforce his riparian rights.  He also enlarged the building to include 28 rooms.  

    When the Wissman family moved out, it became the popular Viennese restaurant called the Vindabona, which had entrances on both Blair and Longstreet Avenues.  It had a beautiful winding staircase and a downstairs fireplace, which was accessed from two back-to-back rooms.  This feature gave the restaurant its next cognomen, the open fireplace.

    It was a huge structure and difficult to heat and maintain but it was available and so the legionnaires bought it and fixed it up.  It remained their home until December 6, 1986 when they could no longer afford to maintain it.  It was razed and most of the property sold to pay for the new headquarters constructed on one of their parcels on Longstreet Avenue just east and south of the old structure.

(From The Bronx, in Bits and Pieces

by Bill Twomey)



     Our storied 80 plus year history reflects an extraordinary degree of commitment to America, its veterans and their families. The compassion that motivates true patriotism runs deep in the veins of our members. Our unequaled achievements for the community, state and nation are our “brushstrokes” on the canvas of American Society as it is lived here in the City of New York.           

     The re-formation of the Veterans Day Parade, through the efforts of the United Veterans'  Day Parade Committee of Greater New York, Inc. was spearheaded by the Korony Post, now in its 33rd year!

     The Korony Post 253, part of the Bronx County Organization of the American Legion, has the largest contingent of past County and District Commanders as well as a Past Department of New York Vice Commander.  The Korony-Memorial American Legion Judo Club, organized by the Post, has had many state and national champions. The Joseph Mazzariello Christmas Toy Drive has brought smiles to under privileged Bronx children for over 20 years!

     Our focus is on the many programs of the AMERICAN LEGION, primarily through the philanthropic distribution of earned interest income.  Through the direct efforts of our organization, we have developed the Bicentennial Veterans’ Memorial Park, Inc. at Weir Creek, a 9 ½ acre “oasis in the city” dedicated to the men and women of all of America's wars and conflicts. The park is home to many community activities such as the Throggs Neck Girls Softball League, football games, and martial arts exhibitions. The park is the community venue and host for concerts and events that enhance the cultural aspect of our everyday lives.

     Post members hold board positions on many borough and citywide programs including our local community board, the Bronx Borough President’s Veterans Advisory Board and the Mayor’s Office of  Veterans Affairs. We have many certified Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service people active in aiding veterans of all wars and conflicts.

     We proudly sponsor the THEODORE KORONY SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION SQUADRON #253,  open to all sons, grandsons, stepsons, or adopted sons of Legionnaires. They are 45,000 strong in the State of New York., Check out what they do and how you can join and serve too!

     We are honored by our association with the THEODORE KORONY AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY UNIT #253, which is open to mothers, wives, sisters, granddaughters, great daughters and husbands of Legionnaires.  This also applies to deceased members of the United States Armed Forces.
They are 65,000 members strong in New York State., Check out what they do and get the feeling of service you deserve.

     Presently we meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month @11:am at the American Turners of New York facility 748 Clarence Avenue Bronx, New York, 10465. The elegant ambience is a perfect setting for our meeting and events throughout the year.

     We, the members of the Theodore Korony Post #253, Bronx County, Department of New York are 175,000 strong and we cordially invite you to join us!  You will find a warm welcome, strong camaraderie and we will reinvigorate your passion for the ideals of your country which is still the best country on the face of the earth! 

The rededication of the Theodore Korony Memorial Stone in Edgewater Park - September 29, 2019

Upcoming Events -

December 15th at 11:00 - Post meeting followed by the Post Christmas Party.

January 17th - 19th - Mid Winter Conference at the Crown Plaza, Albany.

Congratulations to our 2024 Scholarship Winners Emily Calo, James McNerney and Ava Salveggi who are all heading off to the colleges of their choice.

Congratulations to our 2023 Scholarship Winners Mikaela Monnelly and Dylan Salveggi pictured with Dept. Vice Commander Colleen McCarthy and County Commander Gene DeFrancis.  (Unable to attend: Avery Richardson, Nicholas Green and Andrew Green.)


Congratulations to our 2022 Scholarship Winners:

Kasie Leich

Maria McNerney

Nico Barilovits

Kayla Engeldrum


Congratulations to our 2021 Scholarship Winners - pictured left to right: Commander Gene Defrancis, Amanda Bernardi, Juliette Delsignore, Payton Nicotina, Frank Pirrone, James Pirrone and Past Commander Guy Richardson.  Not pictured - Avery Richardson.



Congratulations to 2020 Scholarship Winner James McNerney accepting his scholarship from Commander Gene Defrancis, Scholarship Co-Chairperson Joe Mondello, Scholarship Co-Chairperson Colleen McCarthy and Past Commander Mike McNerney.  

(Not pictured - Winners

 Giana Iazetti and Ava Salveggi.)


Congratulations to the 2019 scholarship winners:

Dylan Salveggi, Cecilia Cullen and John Pirrone

Congratulations to the 2018 scholarship winners:    

Joseph Peloso, Jr., Erica Salveggi, a representative for Kayla Engeldrum and Olivia Salveggi

Congratulations to the 2017 Scholarship Winners:

Nicholas Musacchio, a representative for Marisa Musacchio, Ava Salveggi and Joseph Mondello, Jr.

 Congratulations to the Post Scholarship Winners of 2016!  

Gianna Iazetti, Jason McNamara and Dylan Salveggi.


Post Christmas Party, December 2015

Bronx Veteran's Day Parade 2013 

Post Christmas Party - December 2014

Find us on Facebook - Bronx Korony Post #253 A.L.


Join Us

We meet every third Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM at the NY Turner Club, 748 Clarence Ave., Bronx, NY

PO Box 417, Bronx, NY